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What is Sex Addiction?  

Sex addiction is the active use of a sexual behavior, whether it is masturbation, an internet porn addiction, fetishes and/or behavior with self or others in a compulsive life-destroying pattern. When you are addicted to sex it is called a sex addiction.

Signs of SEX and Porn Addiction

- Porn-induced erectile dysfunction (not being able to perform sexually)

- Being discovered by a significant other, loved one, viewing porn

- Receiving an STD due to having unprotected sex with someone besides your partner

- Getting written up or fired due to viewing porn at work

- Feeling down or anxious due to your porn use

- Spending excessive money on prostitutes/escorts, or paying women for sex online

- Wanting to stop your unwanted sexual behavior but not being able to

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Types of Sex Addiction:

Biological Sex Addicts

A biological sex addict is someone whose excessive masturbation and pornography viewing have hijacked the sexual response to attaching to images and fantasy. This person may have challenges with relational sex. Although most people have the biological type as one component of their addiction, only about 15 percent are solely biologically based.

Psychological Sex Addicts

Research shows that most sexual addicts have suffered some form of past abuse or neglect. This person finds the combination of the messages in the fantasy world and the sexual chemical cocktail to the brain to be a salve for their hurting soul. Simply put, they medicate the past pain in their souls with sexual acting out, which is their form of medicine. 80 percent or more of
those who struggle with sex addiction have abandonment, abuse, or neglect issues of some type in their past.

Spiritual Sex Addicts

The person with this type is looking for a spiritual connection in all the wrong places. In Recovery, we talk about our spiritual hole. This person tries sex for this spiritual void and finds it doesn’t scratch the itch over time.

Trauma Based Sex Addicts

The person with the trauma-based type has experienced sexual trauma(s) as a child or adolescent. This trauma becomes the major repetitive behavior in their addiction.

Intimacy Anorexia Sex Addicts

29% of addicts fit into the category of intimacy anorexia in addition to other areas. Intimacy Anorexia is the active withholding from your partner emotionally, spiritually, and sexually.

Mood Disorder Sex Addicts

The Prevalence of Depression in Male Sex Addicts Residing in the United States, Weiss discovered that 28% of male sex addicts suffered from depression. People with depression havechemical imbalances in adolescence or young adulthood. This young person finds the sexualrelease as a way to medicate or alter their present chemical imbalance. They then use this
sexual response regularly and over time unexpectedly create an addiction.

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